Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > horned mountain lizard with swollen eye

horned mountain lizard with swollen eye

22 14:44:06

the tank size is 55 gallons,small crickets and earth worms are his diet. the crickets are left in tank overnight.He has a uv daylight and a red uv nightlight, humidity is not very high and temperature fluxuates.

Well besides needing a larger tank and adjusting the temps and humidity to a constant percent and degree then there really isn't anything that would be bad for him. I would just take him into the vet. He can go blind if not and that is NEVER good for a reptile. They rely mainly on eye site to eat and without good eyesite you will have to hand feed him everyday and even then if his eye does go bad it can be painful and spread to other areas. Its best just taking him into a vet. I am sorry I couldn't be of more help. Good luck and I hope the little guy pulls through all healthy and happy!