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22 14:22:19

how to make an incubator and how to tell when my lizards (baby bearded dragons are pregnant)

Hi Dallas

If you do a search in your browser with the words "DIY Incubator" you will come up with a ton of links that you can choose from for plans to build an incubator

Many people use a stryo box with an under the tank heat mat that is hooked to a proportional thermostat to regulate the temperature and keep it steady during the length of the incubation

Bearded Dragon females will show lumps in their sides and have a significant weight increase when they are gravid

If your Beardie female is already on the heavy side before she is bred by the male -it will be more difficult to tell if she is gravid until she is almost ready to lay the eggs

Gravid females will have a large increase in appetitive until they are just about ready to lay their eggs

Bearded dragons should not be kept in male female pairings until at least 2 years of age as they will breed before the female is physically ready to produce and lay the eggs

Becoming gravid before the female is physically mature can be a serious health risk to the female

I hope that this has helped

Take Care

Sandy aka LadyGecko