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Habitat question for a corn snake

22 13:28:25

My son has a 9 year old albino corn snake.  He's had her for 6 months and everything is going great.  We have a 20 gallon tank with a reptile bulb and heating pad for night time along with the humidity and temp. readers.  He handles her almost daily and she's about 3 1/2 ft long.  She's shed 4 times since we got her in June.  We feed her one large store bought frozen mouse bi-weekly.  He wants me to buy her some "Healthy Habitat" spray for her cage.  Is this necessary?  We clean the cage if she goes to the bathroom and never feed her in there.  We completely change the aspen bedding monthly.  Would vinegar and water work just as well if I dilluted it in a spray bottle.  Sincere thanks - a loving snake mom

It sounds as if you're fantastic reptile keepers, and you're doing a great job.

Healthy Habitat certainly isn't necessary.  I would actually recommend that you scrub with dish soap and water, and disinfect it with a 10% bleach solution left on for 5 minutes, once every couple of months.  Rinse very well until no bleach odor remains.  The scrubbing will remove any waste or urates that might be harboring bacteria, and the bleach will kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses to make sure the cage environment stays healthy for the snake.

Healthy Habitat is totally unnecessary, and shouldn't be used.  If a cage has an's time to clean it thoroughly. ^_^