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White Tree Frog Q

22 14:42:37

Ok so I have a lot of questions concerning my Dumpy frog.   

First of all I'm having a hard time telling if it's male or female.  It is full grown, about the size of an egg maybe a little bigger.  I don't see dark or puffy patches on it's palms, it's throat is more pink and not very droppy... and it croaks in the morning. I've read that if it croaks then it's male SO I don't know what it is?   

I want to know which it is because I want to add one or two more to breed them.  But is that ok? I know that they should be the same size and all but other than that I mean will they hurt each other? or even care if theres other white tree frogs there with them?

Next, since it's winter the tank is a little cold.  I have a 60 watt bulb which only brings the temp to about 75 degrees.  But the frog is eating and he is bright lime green ( I've heard that if they go dark and/or don't eat that means they're too cold) And I have noticed that he does turn brown very quickly when I turn the bulb off to switch it. So I was thinking that I should get a heating pad to go under the tank.  But how do you know that it isn't burning the frog? It hides on the bottom of the tank a lot under the moss.  And if I do go ahead and get the pad should I keep the light there or get rid of it?

Finally what bedding do you think is best?  I have green moss that I got from a pet store in there right now.  I don't have mulch because I dont want it to swallow the pieces.  Is there anything else that the frog might like andn that's safe?

Thank you for all your help. Haha I'm sorry that it's a lot but i've tried researching it all and noone seems to have a straight nor certain answer!! :)


I can't help with sexing frogs I'm sorry. Your best bet is to have a 55 gallon tank or larger and have 5+ frogs you will be sure to have males/females and get some breeding results if you cycle them correctly(please consult a good book for that) and I had read before that it is best to have two or three males and 4-6 females to a group for breeding. You want to get the frogs the same size or the small ones will get eaten if they are really young. Whites don't care about company they even go hunting together...*most frogs enjoy company from frogs of the same breed.

You want an under tank heater and a temt adjuster avaible at petstores near the heating pads to adjust the warm side of the tank to 80-85...half the tank should be this temp the other half about ten degrees less. THe light can be ditched...they dyhdrate frogsand it would be too hot with teh pad and lamp. For frogs its hard you can Not use newspaper or paper towels beause they can grow fungi. I always used moss and fine bark chips with my frogs. A safer bedding would be Ceramic tiles they coem in many nice colors and patterns that can provide a normal looking habitat and are wipe clean. Moss or bark somewhere in the tank is needed to keep the humidity up thou.

I hope this helps anything else feel free to contact me again.