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Lizards and Hermit Crabs

22 14:47:11

Can lizards and hermit crabs live together in same tank, if so what size tank?

Dear Kathy,
thank you for your question.
I don't recommend co-housing different species unless your tank is really huge, at least 8ft long and 3 ft high for example. The animals will stress each other, they may prey on each other (lizards will eat anything that moves and may well try to eat the crabs), disease may be transmitted from one species to the other (crabs can get salmonella from reptiles for example) and usually their needs are too different to make both species comfortable in one tank.
Small tanks just don't allow you to create microclimates so that each species can choose the humidity/temperature they prefer and there's not enough room for creating hiding places for each species where the other species will leave it alone.
I hope I was of some help to you