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bump on turtles neck

22 14:44:41

I have a 4 yr old painted turtle who lives inside during winter and out in a pond summers.  Last summer I added a wild turtle who escaped within weeks.  Now when I moved my painted inside I notice a large lump on the side of his neck just behind his head on the left side.  He seems lively and eats well, but this lump is still there.  What should I do?

Hello Ron, this bump doesn't sound very good and the wild turtle might have transfered a disease that the captive turtle's immune system couldn't handle. I do not have the experience with medical problems but I can say that a vet check up is the best and really the only thing you can do to be sure about this. Make sure his inside enclosure is really clean and increase the temps a little bit to help in healing and everything in the mean time. I will include a link to a list of recommended vets in all areas of the United States that works with reptiles. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I hope its nothing serious. Good luck and let me know how it goes