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my female

22 14:27:18

Im only 18 i had my 2 dragons for about 9months no. There is a male and a female both around about 4 years old. he just layed he first clutch of eggs. i have them a a steady temp.of about 85 to 86 degrees. im wondering how often you have to mist them and if you can tell by egg color wether they are frtilized or not.? thanks

Hi Bryan
If the eggs are in a closed/covered container of moistened vermiculite or perlite you will not have to add any water as there will be no moisture loss

I open the container once per week and wipe off any beads of condensation from the underside of the top of the container and make sure that the eggs are not too wet

The temp that you are incubating at is perfect

Fertilized eggs should remain white but that does not always hold true so unless the eggs collapse and mold-I generally keep incubating them

Good Luck with the eggs
Sandy aka LadyGecko