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My leopard gecko babies

22 11:54:28

The Leopard geckos babies
The Leopard geckos bab  
Two months ago, I got two of my leopard gecko eggs to hatch. The mother is a pattern-less carrot tail while the father is a normal leopard gecko. I have attached a picture of the two babies, and i am starting to think about selling them. First of all, do you know if they could be any possible morphs? And second of all, for how much do you think I could sell each one?

Well, one of them has a nifty jungle pattern, but it's impossible to say what they'll be once they're grown.  With the lineage you mention, while they may have some morph genes, chances are they won't look very unusual, and they definitely won't be worth a great deal of money.

Geckos of this type retail for $35 to $45, and that's a top pet store price.  Realistically, you may be able to sell them locally for $25 each.  If you bought the parents as juveniles, expect to get about that for the babies, or perhaps somewhat less, as leo morph prices depreciate fast.

I've been out of leopard geckos for a while, though, so you may want to check with a leopard gecko breeder, but I'm reasonably confident on that.

Your geckos are 'heterozygous for Patternless', of course, but won't be patternless unless the father carries that gene.