Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Breeding Anoles

Breeding Anoles

22 14:00:43

QUESTION: I'm going to breed anole lizards and I have no experience in breeding reptiles but I have lots of experience with reptiles

ANSWER: Hello Rachel,

Well, if you are going to breed anoles, you will need to have at least a 30 gallon tank for room for a pair comfortably.  
I would not keep more than 2 maybe 3 females, with 1 male.  Do not keep more than 1 male in the same tank, it is disastrous.  
Do you have the proper tank setup?  Maybe you could post a picture of your tank setup for me?
Also, make sure you do not mix species.  Breed either the Bahama (brown) or the Green anole, not one brown & one green.  They do not mix well at all.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Oh thanks! I haven't set up my tank completely yet because I wanted to have some knowledge first. Oh yeah how many babies do they have at a time?

Hello Rachel,

Anoles only lay one egg at a time.  They will usually lay every 2 weeks or so, for awhile depending on how much they are bred.  Do not overbreed the females as it does stress them out as well as drain their calcium & fat stores too much.
The incubation period lasts for roughly 32-46 or so days.  The temperatures need to be around 85 or so but no higher, with around 80% humidity.
