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My fire belly toad might be pregnant

22 11:54:09

QUESTION: I have 2 fire belly toads, one male, one female. Lately the female has been acting weird. She's been making a nest or a divit in the dirt in the furthest corner of the tank and just sitting there, lately I've noticed her belly is bigger, and my male frog stopped doing his whimpering noise, and guarding her in the corner. She has laid eggs before, but I didn't know they were eggs. their environment is dirt with a water bowl and Leaves around in one corner and a coconut hut to hide in, my female won't leave the little hole she buried herself in and I'm scared she's either sick or pregnant, but she is eating, what should I do?

ANSWER: It sounds to me like she is pregnant and I would just keep an eye on her and if she stops eating then I would take her to a vet and get her examined.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how will i know when she lays the eggs?

She should become visibly thinner as well as an increase in appetite. Not to be dismissive but you mentioned in the original question that 'she had laid eggs before but you didn't know they were eggs'so does this mean you saw the eggs or you're presuming she laid eggs?