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bearded dragon lump

22 14:10:23

My bearded dragon is 12 1/2 years old.  My main concern is a lump that just grew overnight in his lower left jaw.  I thought it was food but it seems to be below that, I can't see anything when I look in his mouth.  His mouth actually stays open a little do to this lump.  He does not use his left leg very well but seems to get around well still.  He tries to eat but i did have to cut up romaine in small pieces.  He can't seem to crunch down.  HELP

Hi Doris, That is an exceptional age for a bearded dragon. Hats off to you for the excellent care he has obviously received in order to reach that age.

The lump really should be seen by a vet who may aspirate some of it with a needle to determine its cause and possible course of treatment. Older reptiles are prone to some of the same ailments as older people and other animals. Their immune system becomes somewhat compromised through age  making them more susceptible to abscesses as well as cancers and other growths.

In the meantime, you are on the right track by making special accommodations that allow him to continue eating more comfortably.  The goal now is to keep his strength and hydration levels up until you are able to consult your vet. If chewing is problematic you can also use a combination of chicken and vegetable baby food. Most beardeds will lick up drops of pureed food that are placed on their snout or just inside their mouths.