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bearded dragon health and feed

22 14:18:43

hi Tracie, i am going to start breeeding my bearded dragons soon and i need to fatten my male up, what is the best fattening food i can feed him? and i have another question what can happen to a bearded dragon with metabolic bone disease? can you list the things a dragon may undergo with it?

Hello Joe,

How old are your bearded dragons?  We recommend them to be 2 years of age for optimal health for breeding.
Well, some breeders tend to use pinkies to help "fatten" up their dragons.  I usually don't like to recommend the use of them because they are just too fatty.  
Hornworms & silkworms are good sources of protein though they are lean, they are high protein feeders & can help add some weight.  
Alot of things can happen to a bearded dragon with metabolic bone disease.  They become debilitated physically if it goes untreated.  They start to have loss of balance, coordination & have twitches & seizures as their calcium levels get lower.  They do not have much appetite & quickly begin losing weight & can become more vulnerable to other health problems.  
