Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > burmese python on the loose!

burmese python on the loose!

22 14:59:48



Followup To

Question -
On Thursday 8/24, I let my two Boston terriers out to "do their
business".  I was standing on the lanai which is 15 feet from the
lake.  Under the orange tree (4 feet from lanai) I saw a SNAKE
curled around a squirrel!  Took pictures, freaked some more, and
watched it start eating the squirrel.  It finished in less than five
minutes, and slithered off towards the lake.  I have two cats also
and am petrified!  Help!!!  I have had it positively identified as a
burmese python, between 4-5 feet.  Please, please help me;
otherwise I'll have to move.  True phobia, I'm not kidding...  Thanks
for any help you can offer.

Answer -
Hi Robin,

can yo get back to me , id like to where you live what state, and this snake just ate so it will about a week before he / she gets hungry again so we have time to set up i live bait trap to catch him but i need to know where you live so i can help get this done for you .

         thanks look forward to hearing back from you .


Tommy -  I live in Sarasota, FL (Sarasota Co.)  Is it safe to let my pets outside?  I know I'm not going out!

Hi Robin,

ok here we go please call this number = 941-729-2103 and ask for cristie she works at your local animal removel shelter in sarasota, and will make arrangements with you to come out and set a trap and get mr.burmese out of your life.your terriers will be ok unless they see and go to the snake barking if they get to close the may be bit(they are not poisoness)but can give a nasty bite, also if the snake is 5-6ft or bigger he may try to constrict after the bite.if you can, let them out on a leash until you speak with cristie. as for you ...its a natural fear just know that he will be far more afraid of you, and you will be all right.also if you can keep your eyes out for the return  of mr.burmese so that cristi can have a better chance of catching him. and let her know exactly where you saw him.

well i hope this has been helpful,let me know.

thanks for the question and good luck ,keep me posted if you would to let me know when he is caught.oh lol if you can could you e-mail pics you took

again thanks and good luck....and you are safe!!
