Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > budy my leopard gecko

budy my leopard gecko

22 14:03:26

Hi its me again. I am not sure if the bubble on budy's side is nothing to worry about because I found just now that is twice as big as it was when I last talked to you. It worries me that maybe theres more to it than I see what do you think about this? Here is another picture taken about 15 minutes ago. should I have him looked at?

Hello Michelle,

I don't see another picture, did you forget to attach it?  :-))

If it is getting larger, then, it is not his fat pads.  It is very odd that they are on both sides, & equal.  I have never seen that before.  If it appears to be getting worse, then yes, take him in to the vet in case there is an infection of some sort.
Let me know how he is doing.
