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Fire Bellied Toad

22 11:52:44

Hi Tracie,
My son has two fire bellied toads and we have had them about 8-10 months.  I am pretty sure one is a male and one is a female. What I believe is the female has gotten so large, she looks like she is going to pop!  Is she pregnant or is there something wrong?  If she is pregnant, how long before she lays eggs because it has almost been a week since she has gotten so huge!

Thank you,

Hello Cathy,

Wow she would be young to become gravid.  How large is she right now?  Do you have any pictures of her?
She should lay within 2 weeks unless you increase the photoperiod for her of up to 12 hours per day to stimulate her laying.  How long do you think it may have been since they mated, or do you know if they mated?
What is your set up like?  
