Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > yellow niger Uromastyx lizard

yellow niger Uromastyx lizard

22 14:14:17

I have a yellow uromastyx he wont eat by his self. I took him to the vet they told me to force feed him. When i feed him, he eat fine from my hand. What should I try to do so he eats on his own?

Hmmm, thats tough.  He can eat, but he won't.  He's seen a vet and they saw nothing wrong.  Let's check set-up: UVB lighting is supplied, and there is a basking spot with a temp of AT LEAST 110 degrees F. 120 is better.  A brightly colored salad is offered at least twice per week.  And you've tried different types of insects.  Check all that and get back to me.