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Tank size

22 13:25:07

QUESTION: Hello, I have a 40 gallon glass tank, it is wide and long, not tall. I was wondering if you could give me a list of the reptiles I could keep in the tank. I will be able to provide appropriate care for any reptile. Thank you.

ANSWER: Dylan, that could be a really long list. What I would ask is what type of reptiles are you into? In other words do you like snakes or lizards more? This will help me better design a list for you to work with.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Im sorry, the type would be lizards with a begginer-moderate care level. Thanks!

OK, yeah that makes sense. I would say either a Uromastyx or a Bearded Dragon would be the best bet for this size enclosure you can read about both of these at my site and listen to interviews with experts at if you'd like to as well. Hope this helps. Also check out Our Library at which has many books that we've used and recommend. You could also set up a colony of leopard geckos as well.