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Bearded Dragon/ Brumation

22 14:23:05

My family "inherited" an adult Bearded Dragon at the beginning of summer from a friend. They weren't really into their BD, and I never knew they existed so I've done research to make sure we gave the BD everything she needed. It seems that she (I think its a she anyway, she digs a lot and it seems from the text that is a more common activity for girls =) is brumating. Here is my question- is it normal for them to change colors? She is usually dark, beautiful, defined spots from nose to tail and now she is almost a cream color, bland, blending into the sand of her cage. I had to LOOK for her tonight, she was so pale! Is this normal? I've been reading for 3 hours and no where does it say its normal for them to change colors?

 The dark patterning usually allows them to absorb heat and UVB while they bask.  And many times the patterning fades when they sleep, when the male "passes out" after mating, and sometimes when they brumate.  They will also change when they are stressed, feel a challenge from another beardie, or not feeling well.  How old is the dragon?  Both sexes dig, but if she is digging a lot, she may be gravid and need a proper laybox to lay her eggs (like chickens, they don't need a male to lay eggs, only to fertilize them).
 I think she would do well to be checked by a reptile vet.  The vet can tell you if she has eggs she needs to lay, and will even show you for sure her gender.  The vet will rule out whether she/he has a high gut parasite count from relocation stress.  If everything is negative, then brumation is probably the answer, and if you haven't read this link, please enjoy the stories of experienced dragon owners describe the various ways dragons brumate and what they do for them during this time.

I would also invite you to join a great Yahoo group that will be helpful for the many other questions that crop up: