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gecko sick??

22 14:16:31

My gecko hasn't been eating for a while.  She is shedding constantly and that dea skin is now blinding her eyes (it's not thick over them).  So much that chs cannot see her food and we are now trying to feed her by hand.  My husband is telling me that the gecko might be getting older and there is nothing we can do.  Have you seen this before?

Hello Johanne,

What type of setup do you have for her?
Are you using an undertank heater along with a low wattage basking bulb?  She needs a hotspot of around 88-90 on one end with a cooler temperature of 78-80 on the other end.
Do you have a moist humid hide that is on top of the undertank heater?  She needs the humidity to help her with her shedding.  There is some spahgmum moss that you can get to put in her hide or cave to keep moist to hold humidity.  That will need to be moistened daily.
What type of food do you feed her with?
At the moment, you can try to bathe her to help her with her shed right now since she is having so much trouble.
Let me know how she is doing.
Leos can live up to 20 years in captivity, with proper conditions.
