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green anole moods

22 14:44:15

do green anoles change color according to their mood?

Hello Brandi, Green Anoles change colors for many different reasons, and yes "mood" can be a factor. Not as much as a sad vs. happy but more like if he is stressed he will be brown, if he is content and warm and healthy he will be green. The brighter green the more "happy" he is. The darker brown the more "stressed or sad" he is. Temperatures, cage size, feeding schedule, feed items, and humidity can also cause these color changes. But for the most part brown is stress and green is content. But just because he is brown doesn't mean he is stressed and it doesn't mean he is sick either. It is just a basic rule, not always this way just more common brown when stressed and more common green when happy.

Hope this helped let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.