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yellowbelly turtle

22 14:34:04

how can i be sure that my turtle is a female? She is larger then the male (i am not really sure he is a male) i have and is more aggressive then him. She has almost bitten his tail off completely. I separated them today but will i ever be able to put them back together???

Hi Kasey, If your turtles are 4 inches in diameter or larger then you can tell the gender. If not then they are still too young to know for sure.

After 4 inches males will grow long front nails. While the female keeps short nails up front about the same as her back ones. The male might also have a curved bottom shell. It will indent inward toward his body near his tail. The males will have a much longer tail then the female.

I hope that helps you a bit.
I don't suggest every putting them back together if (s)he is really that agressive towards the other one then they won't get along later in life. Keep them separate even if they are both females are male female or what ever gender they will kill eachother if given the chance. Sorry about your turtle's tail. Good luck!