Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bearded dragon with mbd

bearded dragon with mbd

22 11:51:14

QUESTION: i have ordered her any liquid calcium yet as i wont have any money until my b'day which isnt until the 11th july. so for the moment im using the powder on her food. i did get her to eat about 6 bits of chopped up green beans this morning. i will try mixing in some mealworms in her veg. i tried this morning with her roaches, but she managed to eat all the roaches without touching any of the veg.

i noticed she walked a bit on her back legs today but i havent seen her do it again. will it be ok for me to feed her once a day now instead of twice a day. dont know if i mentioned it before, but i was going to feed her veg during the day and then feed her 10 roaches around 5pm

ANSWER: Hello Sarah,

Ok, that is fine, use the powder once daily, 5 times per week right now.
At least she did eat some greens & some insects for you also.  
Make sure her basking spot is to where she can get to it easily since she is so weak right now.  So, if you need to lower the UVB towards her, then you will need to do that for her.

That is fine to feed her once daily, no problem at all.  Just make sure she gets her daily dose of calcium.  I hope she starts getting more strength back, daily.

Let me know how she is doing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how often should use the powder with the D3? i think she is getting a bit of feeling back in her back legs as i had her on the floor (on my rug) and i saw her walking on them, although she still had them splayed out to the side, but it did look like she was using them. she also had a poo in her viv today which she hasnt done for ages (she usually will only go in the bath)

luckily she is still putting on weight and is now 269g (the heaviest she has ever been). i dont know if you can view them but i will try to film her walking so you can see what im talking about.

someone at work who has bearded dragons thought she may have damaged her spine as there have unfortunately been a few occasions when she has fallen on the floor when ive been standing and she has been on my shoulder, but then she still swings her tail around sometimes when i pick her up (i mean would she be able to do that if she had damaged her spine?)

hope you dont mind all the questions? as soon as i know when im off work next week i will be phoning the vets. just hope its not too late to help her. i mean she seems happy enough, but its been at least 7 months (maybe more) since she stopped using her back legs

Hello Sarah,

You can use D3 a few times per week, withi the UVB tube bulb being used.
I hope she is starting to regain her strength now.  It does take time for them to get stronger.
Gosh, 7 months of not using her back legs is quite awhile.  You can get her to swim in her bath too, that helps with strength.
Wow, she is gaining weight also?  I hope she is going to finish growing then, that is great.  How is her appetite now?  A video of her would be great, if you can send one.  I can have you send it to my email at:
If she helicopters her tail when you pick her up, she most likely doesn't have a spinal injury, but could still be weak in that area.

Keep me posted on her!  I hope she continues to improve.
