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My leopard geckos eggs

22 13:51:28

QUESTION: Hi, my female leopard gecko keeps laying eggs that don't hatch. This is her third clutch of eggs, and all three of them have deflated on the second day of keeping them. I know that the eggs are fertile because I ave seen her mating my my male. I follow the instructions from breeding websites on how to care for the eggs. What is wrong with her eggs and what can I do to help?

ANSWER: Hello Bea,

What are the conditions you are keeping the eggs at?  They should be kept in an incubator at 84 degrees with humidity levels of around 80% which should remain at a constant level.  
How old is she?  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My male is about four years old. My female is about two years old, and I keep the eggs in a plastic shoe box filled with reptile flooring (wood chips). I put a little bit of water in the box, enough to make it humid, and I keep the top open a bit at the top. There is a heating pad under the box. The room I keep them in is almost always closed so temperature is always constant.

Hello Bea,

Well, you do need to know exactly what the temperatures & humidity are.  You really can't guess them because they may be off a bit.  The wood chips don't hold humidity very well.  Ideally, the best substrate to use is soil & vermiculite mixture because that holds humidity much better.
