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leopard gecko paralysis?

22 14:26:03

My son has a leopard gecko, maybe 10 mos old. There has been a shortage of meal works in our area all summer which is his favorite. He has never liked crickets. For a while he would eat wax worms but not anymore.  His skin is beginning to split or shed but he can't seem to move. He kind of shimmies through the sand. This morning I found him half on and half off his little coconut shell house but now he's just laying in the sand although his eyes are open and he's breathing. Yesterday he actually drank water from a spoon for me and seemed very thirsty. I suspect he's now unable to get to his water bowl. Any suggestions? I've already force fed an anole and am hoping for an easier outcome here. Help please!

Your gecko sounds very ill, I would suggest going to a qualified reptile vet for help.  It is nearly impossible for us to diagnose and treat ailments via email.  Does the gecko have a moist hide box anywhere in its cage?  Severe dihydration might cause the symptoms you describe but I can't see the gecko so....