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southern alligator lizard-paralysis

22 13:26:24


Siggy sleeping
Hi, I just found an alligator lizard on the sidewalk on Monday morning and decided to take him  home with me.  Before I picked him up, I noticed that his tail was partly severed about 1/2 inch from the base. It did not fully break off until tonight (Wednesday).   I have him in a 10 gal tank for now, with a heating pad, a water dish, and mealworms that should last a week.  He hasn't been eating or drinking much (he's eaten 1 mealworm that I'm aware of, and although he knows where the water dish is, he hasn't drank much, if anything).  He hasn't bitten me yet, and he's prettty calm, which I initially attributed to him being afraid but I'm worried now tha it seems like lethargy.
Now that his tail has fallen off, I'm noticing that he is dragging his hind legs, and when I touch them, it seems like he doesn't feel it. I don't remember him dragging his legs before, although obviously he dragged his tail and had no feeling in that.
Could his hind legs be paralyzed from the tail hanging on for so long? Or do you think he's simply dragging his hind legs because he was used to not being able to use his tail, and it being dead weight?
Thanks for your help,

First, thank you very much for taking him in and giving him care.

It sounds like he has been injured ... but if he's eating, that's great. I currently keep a spiny lizard I rescued from some rock throwing kids who has completely lost the use of one eye and a front arm, but is doing well ... though unable to return to the wild.

Make sure he has food available, water handy (as you have been), and a nice warm,dry, and DARK place to hide. Watch for infection, and see if you can find a local rescue group who may be able to help with the specifics. The more stress he takes on at this point the less likely he will fully recover, and the back legs may never do so. Fortunately, alligator lizards can do quite well without them, so if he's eating, looks like you've got yourself a new pet!

Thanks again.