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Found a baby snake

22 15:00:24

Today in my backyard I found a baby snake.  It's tan with black designs on his body.  They're kind of diamondish, but after looking at pictures of baby copperheads trying to compare them they have some similarities, but the tail isn't brightly colored.  It is just plain tan.  he is about 11 inches long, if that.  I live on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and have a very wooded yard. Is there any way you can tell from my description what kind of snake this is?

Hi amber,

if there is a chance yo can send me a pic send it to

it sounds like a couple of differant species it may not be a baby it could be an eastern worm snake , if the nose is turned uppward it could be a hog nose but these are only guesses let me know if you can get a pic for

                sorry i couldnt be of more help
