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how to tell if my blue tongues gravid

22 14:40:14

hi i would like to no how to tell if a blue tongue is gravid or not e.g behavior ect...

Hello John,

How old is your blue tongued skink?  Is she housed with a male & are you trying to breed her?   
Have you weighed her & is her weight fluctuating?  Is she becoming grumpier or hungrier right now?  
She should start looking larger more like a balloon.  Usually you can tell some changes within a month or so of becoming pregnant.  
If her behavior is changing quite a bit, then, that is a pretty good sign of being gravid.  If you think she could be then I would begin to increase her calcium & food intake just a bit for more nutrition.
Are you using UVB as well, if so, what type & brand are you using?  A flourescent tube UVB or a compact or coil light?

Let me know how she is doing.  I hope this helps.  :-))
