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Anastasia my bearded dragon.

22 14:40:16

Dear Pam;
At Christmas i got 2 bearded dragons (Sam and Anna)  Sam did great but Anna did sick so we exchanged her for a lizard named  kimba.. then she got better so we brought her home.  However, she is no longer eating and yet she is still shedding, even though she doesn't appear to have grown at all.  She is in the cage with Kimba not Sam hes in another cage theres a basking spot and enough shaded areas to stay cool along with cooler basking spots.  We mist more than twice a day, calcium crickets at least once a day and a couple meals worms (one to two each) daily.  We have water and vegetable out all the time (i could use some suggestions for the types of fruits and vegetables for lizards).  However, Anna is sick again she lies around sleeping all the time i haven't seen her eat since i brought her home Friday and its Tuesday today.  I don't want to force feed her i know that stresses them.  The crickets may be to big and giving her a stomach ache or she may be stressed from shedding, but everything has been set up perfectly in the cage.  Shes from a pet store so maybe she has parasites.  I have no idea which one it is but she isn't thinning out from lack of food and her eyes are, what appears to be, slightly puffy, Kimba and Sam are doing amazing they just keep getting bigger and bigger.  I have no idea what is up with little Anna but i really don't want to loose her, ill try anything.  Any tips?

 Anna may need to have a habitat of her own.  There is a subtle intimidation that can occur that a human won't notice, but that intimidation will keep a small dragon from getting her fair share of food.  Bearded dragons are normally territorial and as a rule should be kept in separate tanks/cages.  They live solitary lives in the wild and only come together to mate in spring.  So get her her own digs, have a vet check her for high gut parasites from the stress she's had and hopefully, once she gets the idea that she has her own territory and all the food there is hers, she will recover nicely.