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bearded dragons blood in stool

22 13:35:37

My 3 year old beared dragon had blood after he went to the bathroom.  Not in the stool but it was in his urine. His stool was smaller in girth than usual like he might be constipated. Should I need to be worried and can he surive this with medicine!

Hello Pat,

Well, were the urates were pink or red in color?  The stool itself was not bloody then?
What type of substrate do you use, sand, tiles, paper towels?  
What foods does he eat?  
I would get a fecal done on him as soon as you can, which would test him for worms & parasites.  
Hopefully, this will just be parasites or worms & not kidney or liver related.  
I would try to give extra oral fluids to help him if he is dehydrated.  Maybe give him a daily bath too if he doesn't mind too much.  

Do you have a vet to take a fecal to?
