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my bearded dragon.

22 13:25:34

QUESTION: heloo! i just got my baby bearded dragon 2 days ago and it looks pretty healthy but then i gave it close look and it has like a brown-ish scab on the side of its mouth, should i worry? also it hasnt been eating at all since i got it i put mealworms crikets and even spinach! nothing at all. today, it ate one worm and pooped right after. is it just getting used to itgs cage? should i return it? thankyou.

ANSWER: Hello Maria,

Do you have any pictures of your baby's mouth for me?  
Usually, it takes a week or two, for them to get adjusted to a new home.
Can you tell me more about your setup?  
What type & brand of UVB light do you use, a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  Do you use a bright white light for his basking light?  
What sized crickets do you offer?  Baby dragons should not have mealworms, as they have too hard of a shell to digest at that age.  
Some better choices for greens are endive, escarole, collard greens, mustard greens & dandelion greens but only feed spinach sparingly as that has oxalates which will bind calcium absorption.  
What type of substrate do you use, sand, tiles, paper towels?
Are you using a digital probe or a temp gun to measure the temperatures?  What are the temperatures?  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i went to the vet and he said the brownish spot was just a scab, anyways it ate yesterday about 2 mealworms and when i changed it light to a more brighter and hotter one it actually started to move around its cage! pascals (my beradie) cage temperature is 95 degrees F. also, what do you mean by endive, escarole, collard greens i dont know what these are.
thenkyou so much<3

ANSWER: Hello Maria,

So, how is your baby's mouth doing?
You will need to increase the basking temperatures to a range of 95-110 measured with a digital probe or a temp gun.  Great, I am glad that she is doing a lot better now.
The endive, escarole, collard greens are all good greens that can be used for staples.  You can use mustard or collard greens, or dandelion greens, too.

If you need anything, just let me know.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi tracie! again my beardie is worrying me alot! i took him out of his cage to change it and clean it up but before that i misted him with water wich i always do and he loves it but today it was very odd, after i had misted him he started gagging like a trasparent formula out of his mouth like chocking and he was urging to leave my hand like if almost trying to run away. im worried it might be a respitory problem because of the mealworms due to their hard shells. my beardie (pascal) does not eat cricketts. well thankyou very much tracie!

Hello Maira,

I was wondering how he was doing.
What else do you feed Pascal?  Will he eat phoenix worms?  The mealies are too fatty to be fed on a regular basis, & have the hard shell that causes impactions, too.  
Could he have gotten water down his throat when you were misting him?
Are all of his temperatures good in his tank right now?
Let me know how he is doing.
