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Leopard Gecko Regurgitation.

22 11:53:09


I have a group of leopard geckos that I have collected over the last few years and I have now started to breed them. 1 of my females laid her first 2 eggs the other day without any problems until the day after. I fed her 5 mealworms dusted with pro rep calci dust which she ate ok, about 30 mins or so after this I watched her sit on the cave and regurgitate the lot completely undigested she has never done this before and is usually a very good feeder whether eating dusted crickets or mealies. Just before she was mated her appetite dropped off a bit but then returned a couple of days after mating and just before laying her eggs she stopped eating again which I know is normal. She is not showing any signs of impaction and seems to be alert and of good health. She ate a cricket a bit later and managed to keep that down. Could the regurgitation be caused by the stress of laying eggs or does this sound like an internal parasite? I keep all my leos at around 90 at the warm end of the viv gradually tailing off down to the cold end, all poo is removed daily fresh water is provided daily also. This is the first problem like this I have encountered and would be very grateful to hear your opinion on this subject.



Hi Carl,
Sorry, I don't breed leopard geckos or other species so all I can do is offer my thoughts as to why she may have done this. Of course, a vet visit is recommended and yes, stress of laying eggs MAY have caused an overload of internal parasites which could be the problem. She may also have eaten the worms too fast due to being really hungry from not eating for a few days.
One thing you do need to make sure of is that she isn't dehydrated from the regurge.  Offer her water from an eye dropper or syringe if needed and of course, if she continues to vomit, a vet visit needs to be had quickly.
I would try offering her food several times a day with a small amount each time and see how that goes with her.