Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > PLEASE HELP ASAP ANOLE LIZARD DYING


22 14:48:12

QUESTION: please help my green anole is starving. he is very skinny and he has a big gash in part of his neck where crickets have been chewing on. he wont eat. he is dying! its tooo late to take him to a vet their not open and i dont no wat to do. i tried force feeding him its not working. wat should i do?!?!? please help!

ANSWER:   Hello Peter,
  Has he had any water?  Try dribbling water while having him sit in a shallow pan.  If he takes water, that might be a start, then you could put some "firsts" chicken babyfood mixed in the water to put a little nutrition.  However, a huge gash in the neck may be the reason for not eating if his esophagus is compromised or he is in pain. Even an Emergency Vet may have to be sought.  I'm so sorry, but I can give you little more than this.  I gather that you have already cleared his home of any crickets since you noted that they were bothering him.  I hope he takes the water.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank u so much for the answer so fast. yes i got rid of the crickets. i cleaned out his cage and everything gave him fresh everything. i dribbled some water on him. i only had some sort of beef babyfood i mixed in water. he doing a little bit better. and i think the whole thing about the esophagus is right. i can kinda see like a little bome showing i think. i did put an antiseptic and neosporn on it. my night light burnt out for him. sh should i just keep the daylight light on all day? its like midnight here. thank u soo much once again.

 Good Morning Peter,
 When you wrote the follow up it was 3:00 am here and I was asleep.  If bone was showing, if your anole is still alive you really must get him to a vet now.  Such a deep wound can only be properly treated by a professional.  I do hope the little fellow pulls through.