Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > sand lizzards

sand lizzards

22 14:34:46

hi Diane i got them from a pet shop and no they dint offer any info on the they have the right uvb and everything i have 2 of them and its only the one that wont eat the food i have been giving it baby food so it don't starve but im scared im hurting his mouth my doing so he has been drinking his water thou i just don't understand y i cant get it to eat plzzzz help me i don't no what to do i don't wont it to die
thanx for your help

Hi Sarah,
First, can you tell me if the link I sent you with the picture of them is what yours are?  If not, can you send me a picture?  I'll do my best to help you once you let me know if that is the species you do have. I'll wait for your reply now....