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Help My green anole

22 14:19:20

My anoles eyes look a little sunken in and she is actually letting me pick her up without a little bit of scurry.  The part of her tail that meets her back looks more bony than usually and she is not eating much at all.  Her head looks red/burnt orange colored.

Hi Susan

It could be that your anole has internal parasites and that she is malnourished from them taking all or most of the nutrients from the food that she eats

You need to bring her into see a vet ASAP and they can do a fecal exam to determine if parasites are the problem

If you have had her for a number of years it could be that she is just getting ready to pass on from old age

I wish you the best with her and I am sorry that i can not be of more help to you

Sandy aka LadyGecko