Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Australian Eastern Water Dragon

Australian Eastern Water Dragon

22 14:13:44

QUESTION: Do male dragons eat the young dragons

ANSWER: Hello Judith,

If you are even remotely thinking about putting a young dragon in with an adult male or female, please rethink that.  Your baby will end up dead.  
It is not advised to put any small reptile in with a larger one as yes, they will be eaten.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tracie, The Dragons in question are inhabiting my garden around the pool.  I asked the question as I thought if the little one was in danger I wold try to shoo the adult male over the fence into next door.  Many thanks for you quick response.  Regards Judith

Hello Judth,

OH!  LOL  Ok, that is great you are not putting them in together, whew, I was worried about that.  
Yes most definitely they would try to eat the baby if the opportunity presented itself!
Lucky you, are you in Australia then?  In your garden, how awesome!!!!

Can you send me some pictures?  :-))
