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Uro is sick...i think

22 12:00:13

I have a male uro. He is about 5 years old. And in the past few months he has stopped eating. I give him lettuce, bird seeds, and sometimes blueberries at least 3 times a week. He has even stopped pooping. He just lays there and he won't move until you get really close to him. Then he freaks out and dashes into his cave. After his little freak out his "wags" his tail and shakes. He doesn't act like himself anymore. He used to be pretty active and now he just seems lazy and tired. I am seriously getting worried. What should I do?

Hi. I am so sorry to hear about ur little guy. It seems ur uro is pretty sick. Could be anything. I can tell u that it's almost impossible to bring a uro back to health once they stop eating and pooping. First of all, is it hot enough in his enclosure?  Start force feeding with an eye dropper. Try pedialyte  try giving him a warm bath.  This may force him to drink and get hydrated and he should poop in the water. If it's too late for him nothing will help. I just had a 20 year old female die after laying a clutch of 16 eggs. She just became super skinny and wouldn't eat and within a week she passed. I was shocked bc these little creatures are very resilient.  But just like people, when it's their time... It's their time!!!  I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. Good luck and let me know what happens.     