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Dumpy tree frog and hermit crabs?

22 14:28:48

Hey Sandra,
I am planning on purchasing a dumpy tree frog. I own a 10 gallon tank but its housing hermit crabs(2). It has a heating lamp, a temperature gage, humidity gage, lots of water and substrate nice and humid. So i was wondering if the three critters could share or if that would be bad. If so then i do have another tank but it is much smaller and i just wanted to give the new frog lots of room to play. The smaller tank doesn't have much room for substrate and doesn't keep in humidity as well. What are you thoughts about this?
                   Thank you

Hi Karsyn

If I were you-I would not house the two together

I just can't see the hermit crabs with their claws getting along well with the frog

I would like to suggest that you save up some more money so that you can buy the size tank that the frog will need and set it up before purchasing the frog

These frogs like height so the tank needs to be much taller and larger than the average 10 gal aquarium

Here is a Care Sheet that looks to be good for White's Dumpy Tree Frogs

I hope this helps
Sandy aka LadyGecko