Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > handling a dragon that is aggressive

handling a dragon that is aggressive

22 14:03:02

I have a 10 month male bearded dragon The problem I am having is that he will not let you pick him up he flattens then hisses and runs or backs up from you. Any suggestions on how to calm him so we are able to handle him

Hello Venita,

How long have you had your male beardie for?
Well, you are just going to have to lay down the law with him, otherwise he will continue to get his way.  :-))  
If you are afraid that he is going to bite you put on some gardener type of gloves to help.  You can get some greens to stick in his mouth when he opens it to get him to start chewing & distract him while you try to pick him up.
Go from the side making sure that he sees your hand & make eye contact with him.  Then scoop him up from underneath, carefully supporting his tail when you do pick him up.  
Are you wearing a strong perfume or anything like that which could be affecting him?  What color are you wearing?  Bright colors sometimes tend to make them more aggressive.  Wear neutral colors such as brown, white or green.  I know it sounds weird but at this point, anything may help him calm down.
At night you could try burrito wrapping him in a blankie & put him on your chest to get him to go to sleep on you.  That might begin a bonding process which would help as well.

Good luck.  Let me know how things go.
