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Leopard, Crested, or whites?

22 13:55:06

I am interested in owning either a leopard gecko, crested gecko, or white's tree frog. I have done research but i would like the opinion of an expert. Out of these animals i wondering which one is the most social and tolerates handling the best. Additional information on each animal would be nice as well. Are there any other social lizards or amphibians that you would recommend for a beginner like me?
Luke Pepper

Hello Luke,

I would say a leopard gecko is probably the most social out of the three.  The crested geckos are still good, but tend to be a little more gunshy & sensitive to being handled than the leopard geckos are.  

Crested geckos are interesting because they vocalize a lot such as chirping & barking type of noises.  They are very social as well.

The white's tree frog is a good choice too, & they are very social beings with humans & don't mind being handled daily either.  They do well alone or with another frog as long as they have adequate space.  

Leopard geckos are very good starter reptiles & become very tame over time.  It does take a short adjustment period after bringing one home but they adjust well & don't mind being handled.  Also red eyed tree frogs are good too.  

What is boils down to is what type of look you are after, as they are all good choices, but they have different personalities.  The geckos would be more active & more interactive I believe than the frogs would be.  So, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to consider the geckos before a frog.  
