Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Whats wrong with my leopard gecko?!?!?!!?!??

Whats wrong with my leopard gecko?!?!?!!?!??

22 13:25:12

QUESTION: I bought my leopard gecko back in the begining of janurary and end of december between then........ my leopard gecko lives with moss and that green carpet for geckos. the other day our last leopard light ran out so we put a regular light in the reptile lamp. we feed him mealworms and rarely superworms when petsmart is out of mealworms.... about two days ago my sister tells me my gecko is dying!! i went to check it out and when she walked it seemed like half her body couldnt move.. my sister said she might of had a saizure or stroke.. she is losing weight and some of her skin is rinkleing and she feels mushy and not as hard as my other female gecko... and when i used to pick it up wrong on accedent it would move but now when i pick it up wrong or touch it itll ether stay that way or roll on his back.. hes breathing normal and im very affraid he will die please help me!!! :..(

ANSWER: Hello Amanda,

Do you have any pictures of your gecko?  
So, for the substrate your gecko is housed on carpet, so she couldn't be impacted on that.  Is she possibly eating any moss that could be impacting her?
How big were the superworms that you fed her?  It is possible that the superworms are causing some trouble.  
Based on what you are describing, her not being able to move half of her body, she could be impacted.  
It is possible that she could have had a stroke or heart attack.  
How often do you give calcium supplementation?  
Let me know how she is doing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is breathing like every 2 seconds and I'm affraid she is dying how can I stop this impacting?? The superworms were about 1 inch and I think that might be the problem she is shedding and I'm afraid that might be putting more stress on her... and if she did have a stroke or heart attack is there anything I can do??

Hello Amanda,

No, if she had a heart attack or a stroke, there really is not much you can do for her other than keep her warm & comfortable & as stress free as possible.
Are you pretty sure she is impacted?  You could try to soak her in warm water daily.  Give canned pumpkin & sugar free applesauce mixed with a drop or two or of olive & or mineral oil given with a dropper or syringe to help with the impaction.  Do not give her anymore live feeders right now, in the case she is badly impacted.

Let me know how she is doing.