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sick tokay gecko

22 14:08:58

My female tokay that i saved from a friend of a friend has recently layed 2 eggs. Its been about a week now. She's been a very good mother watching over the eggs and protecting them. This evening when i came home from work she was looking terrible. Her eyes were sunk in, her color is very dark, much more than usual even when it's time to shed she isn't this gray looking. She is so unresponsive to any of my gestures. I even picked her up to move her into a tank on her own while i do my research so as not to put the other two tokays at risk. She is twitching also, almost like it's a nerve thing. My boyfriend found her earlier in the day with her face pushed into the dirt. She takes short breaths and few of them. I don't know what to do. Please help if you can.

Hello Krystle,

Wow, she sounds like laying the eggs zapped her.  The twitching is probably related to metabolic bone disease.  Are you providing UVB light?  If so, what type & brand is it, a flourescent tube bulb or a compact or coil light?  
Are you supplementing calcium several times per week?  
I hope that it is not too late, if her breathing is that shallow, it might be too late for her.
I would suggest trying to get some oral fluids into her along with some chicken or turkey babyfood with a plastic dropper.
Let me know how she is doing.
