Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > strange skin mass

strange skin mass

22 13:55:29

my bearded dragon has this strange red mass of skin coming from his butt and he seems to be in alot of pain... would you happen to know what it is?

Hello Mike,

Oh, unfortunately, that red mass hanging out of him is a prolapse.  It is either a hemepenis, colon, rectal or intestinal prolapse.  
Can you review your tank setup so I can help you better.
How old is he?  Are you using a UVB light?  If so, what type & brand are you using, a florescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  Do you supplement with calcium on a regular basis?
What type of substrate are you using, sand, tiles, paper towels?

What you can do now, is to get a couple of tablespoons of sugar & dissolve them in warm water.  Then add some cool water & soak him in that a couple of times a day.  That will sometimes reduce the swelling in that area.  Get some KY jelly or vaseline to put on that area to help keep it from drying out.  This type of occurrence is an emergency as this tissue will become necrotic if you cannot get it back in within a respectable time frame.  Do you have a vet you can get him in to see?

Let me know how he is doing.
