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Found a baby (tiny) gecko in Virginia

22 14:25:11

Hi I found a baby (tiny- a little over an inch) gecko in the bathroom at work. Its tan & brown. I live in Virginia and heard they are building dwellers here?  If so, I don't know what to feed him/her besides crickets/mealworms since he is so small.  I also am not sure if he needs a heat lamp and rock.  I would like to release him but not sure he'll survive so plan B is to take care of it.

 In all probability it is a meditterranean gecko that has established colonies all over the south and Virginia.  They are a very resilient creature and will do amazingly well in a garden or house where it will happily keep down the bug population.  If you have an area where he has a water supply, bugs, maybe a pile of cracked stone or wall, that is where he will feel free, safe and protected.  Even though this lizard is not a native, it does not compete with native fauna and therefore is no danger to Virginia ecology.  You can raise it or release it.  If you wish to take care of it, I will supply a caresheet if you choose the former.  Let me know.