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Green Iguanas and house-hold plants

22 15:01:02

I have a cage that is 4feet long, 4feet wide, and 6feet tall for my iguana. I want to put a plant in his cage to engulf the upper portion of his cage, like a forrest canopy, to make it more like a rainforrest enviornment and to allow something for him to climb on; however, he will eat the leaves of any plant I put in there.  What are some safe plants for him to eat that I can place in his cage?

Hi Matthew,
What a nice size cage for your iguana.  With plants, as you said, they will eat them so its usually best to have a few that you can switch in and out on a regular basis.  When they climb on them they really do destroy them pretty fast. What several people have done is to get fake palm trees or fake banana trees which seem to stand up to the wear and tear of iguanas climbing on them.
Depending on the size of your iguana, most plants won't hold an adult iguana but there are many that are safe.  "Spider" Plants are nice safe plants that can be hung.  For a floor plant, Hibiscus are very good to use and both leaves and flowers are safe for them. has very good reading on what makes some plants toxic...and symptoms, etc..  there is a list of safe edible plants there also with the direct link to them at
and a link off of that page with safe plants can be found at   which lists many palm type trees that would look nice and are usually considered  safe. Ficus are also another "tree" type that are safe.  
I've used the ficus, hibiscus and the spider plants in my igs outdoor cages and I've had the best luck with the hibiscus with the larger igs, but I do have a few of the plants that I switch out every few days to prevent the igs doing more damage to the plant than the plant can handle.