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female gecko

22 13:52:11

My female hasn't eaten for a few months. Her left side of her head is swollen. Her eys are closed shut on the left side and on her right eye is very cloudy. I give her a warm bath and but down news paper for bedding. She is sick and I need to get medicine for her. Her eggs sacks appear empty. I can only get her to drink water at bathtime. What kind of medicine do I buy for her?

 Hi Dotty,
  Between the swelling and the cloudy eye, I would say you'd better take her to a good reptile veterinarian right away.  It sounds like infection and a vet is best for definitve care.  I understand that this can be expensive, but if you want your girl better, this is the only way to go.  If you don'r have a vet, you can find one nearest you in the member directory at