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Sick Drago

22 13:59:19

My son recently purchased a very young bearded dragon.  He's about 7-8 inches head to tip of tail.  During the past week, he's been asleep most of the day, won't eat (I've been force feeding him baby food - green beans), and his poop is watery.  I also think he may have a runny nose.  We've gotten a lot of mixed information from the store we purchased him from regarding temperature for the tank, humidity, how often to feed him, how much water he should have . . . now we have a sick baby and we're totally confused.  Please help.

Hello Mari,

What type & brand of UVB light are you using?  Is it a flourescent tube bulb, or a compact/coil light?  Are you using a bright white light, or a colored light?
Are you using an undertank heater?
What type of thermometer do you use to measure the temperatures?  A stick on type, a digital probe or a temp gun?  What are the temperatures?
What is the humidity in the tank?
As a baby, he needs at least 50+ appropriately sized crickets, daily right now, along with calcium dusting once daily at 5 times per week to support his bones.
What type of substrate are you using?  Sand, carpet, tiles?
Since his stool is watery, he could have parasites or worms.  That can happen with stress from relocation which he is probably going through if you have not had him for very long.  However, if his tank setup is incorrect & he is not warm enough he might be getting a respiratory infection.
So please answer the questions above, & I can direct you further.
Continue to get some food into him.  I would add some chicken or turkey babyfood along with squash babyfood right now, until we get everything all fixed up for him.
