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My green iguana

22 13:59:32

Hello...I am seeking some help with my Iguana who we call nubbs. he is almost 2years old, so still small....He was the smallest one in the store, and a few of the other iguanas had gotten his "fingers" and left him with a few nubbs on each foot. Anyways, a couple of weeks ago the poor little guy started getting a bump under his right eye. the vet told us to flush his eye out with the saline, and we did. However, this lump has grown so much that it grew ober his eyeball, and he can no longer even close or see for that matter out of his right eye. the lump is a pinky "fleshy" (human fleshy) color. We are really starting to get concerned about the little guy, and cannot afford to take him to the vet AGAIN, just to be told that it needs to be flushed and cleaned. If it is something more serious we will definatley take him. But if there is something that I can order or get for him with out the 250 vet visit I would be more than appreciative if you can help. Thanks in advance!!!!

Any swollen deformation like you describe should be seen by a good reptile veterinarian.  I'm surprised the vet did so little the first time.  If you like this vet, trust him, bring him back, or go to and see if there are others you can go to.