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Gechoes in my home

22 14:27:46

How do I get a wee gecho to leave? My apartment is air-conditioned. I understand food would keep them sround too, so I've sealed all open packages. Is there any thing in the food line, or other things in particular,that encourage them to stay around? They are really cute, but I prefer they'd be 'invited' guests! Really appreciate any advice.

LOL-I'm sorry that I find this humorous but most people that I know would consider themselves lucky to have a Gecko roaming their walls

The only way that I know of getting rid of them is to catch them-not by the tail as it will most likely detach-and bring them outdoors

If I knew what type of Gecko that it is than maybe we could make a DIY GeckoTrap and tempt it with it's favorite food
Of course the trap would be humane and you would be able to release it

Good Luck
Maybe it will find its way back outdoors on its own

Sandy aka LadyGecko