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Good terrarium inhabitants

22 14:00:16

I really would like to start a terrarium with lots of live plants and mosses, and maybe a water feature, but I'm not sure on what kind of animal/animals I want to keep in it. I have researched poison dart frogs, and I don't really want to get those because of their need for small food items. I have a bearded dragon and I have a colony of superworms and dubia roaches for him, so if I can I would like to get a reptile/amphibian that is able to eat that. I am also a beginner so I would like to get something moderately easy to care for...any suggestions?

Hi Sarah, There are a number of gecko species that would be very happy in a naturalistic set-up like that. I've picked out a few species that would be large enough to utilize your current feeder colony insects. You didn't mention whether these are to be display animals or if you would like a handleable species. Only the Crested gecko from this list would be handleable.

This is the Tokay gecko and they are fairly large, robust and colourful geckos but they are feisty and have a good bite. Definitely only for display.

Another hardy Asian species, the Golden gecko:,%20Golden%20Gecko.htm

This is the Giant Day gecko from Madagascar. There are several species of Day geckos available and they vary in size.
They are somewhat unique in that they are diurnal, hence the name "day" gecko

A Crested gecko would also do well although their diet is slightly different. They would also require fruit baby food or better yet, one of the commercial crested gecko diets in addition to insects. They are pretty calm and charming and can be handled.

With the exception of the "monkey" frogs or Phylomedusine frogs which require a dry environment your set-up would be ideal for frog species like Red-eyed treefrogs as well although you would have to add some medium sized crickets to their diet.