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Agressive Female Iguana

22 14:44:22

Hello, I have a 10-11 year old female iguana, I have had her for 9 years and have never had a problem with aggression.  This past Thurs. night I was at her cage calling her from the bottom which is a normal game for us, she jumped up the side of the cage and before I knew it she had my pinky finger in her mouth biting me, and has been aggressive towards me ever since, to the point that she is literally attacking me though her cage when I go up to talk to her or even just walk past her, she is spayed so I know that she is not having egg/pregnancy issues, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

There could probably be another health issue, causiing her enough discomfort to attack blindly the first time.  Your reaction to the finger bite may have also caused the continuing attacks.  
First I would wear protective clothing and get her out of her cage. This way, you lack of reaction and fear will help get her to give up the behavior if there is something wrong. Then put her in her carrier and get her to her vet to rule out any problems.
Also keep in mind that it is breeding season, and even if she is spayed, she still has hormones dictating the mating/rival instinct.